Sunday 24 August 2014

Bout of Books Read-a-thon Wrap Up Post

Bout of Books

I read a little bit of Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote this morning (about 30 pages) but completely flailed the rest of the day. (I find that word "flailing" so very useful.)

I reached my goal of 3 books though and for me that was huge. Granted they weren't the three books I set as goals but that doesn't matter. Three book is still three books.

Tonight I watched the True Blood series finale and it was pretty disappointing. I'm pretty ticked that I invested seven years of my life in Sookie's life for that crap ending. Don't worry I won't give away spoilers but it was not what I expected at all.

However, now I want to do this and I'm as serious as a heart attack when I say it (or should I say vamp attack?):

I want to finish this wrap up post by sending a big thank you to Bout of Books because this read-a-thon helped me reach over 100 twitter followers and get more traffic to my blog.

I'm not done read-a-thoning yet though! I will continue participating and updating my progress on the Beat the Heat Read-a-thon

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